#Pacific Ocean AI | Artificial Intelligence for Pacific Ocean

#Digital Twin of Pacific Ocean

#AI physics


#Modeling earth climate

#Physics ML

#Predicting climate change

#Climate digital twin

#Siimulating weather and climate

#Visualize weather and climate

#AI model

#generative AI model

#Accelerated simulation

#Diffusion model

#3D workflow

#AI pipeline

#GPU acceleration

#Score-based generative AI

#Blue Pacific Continent

#Ocean acidification

#Food web in oceans

#Coral reef survival

#Carbon dioxide absorbed

#Chemistry of ocean

#Boulder corals colonized sea floor

#Fragile branching corals disappearing

#Carbonic acid

#Species with calcareous shell or skeleton

#Availability of calcium carbonate decreasing

#Organisms sheltering in corals reefs threatened

#Shelled animals (mussels, clams, urchins,starfish) have trouble building their shells

#Ocean Acidification

#Calcium carbonate minerals: building blocks for skeletons and shells of many marine organisms

#pH scale

#Calcifying species: oysters, clams, sea urchins, shallow water corals, deep sea corals, calcareous plankton

#Pteropod (sea butterfly)

#Coral biologist

#Decreased pH

#Reduced carbonate saturation on marine systems

#Marine biota

#Marine calcifiers

#Shell mineralogy

#Great Pacific Garbage Patch

#Ocean cleanup system