#Pacific Ocean AI | Artificial Intelligence for Pacific Ocean

#AutoMarineSys | Autonmous Marine Systems

#SEA.AI | Detecting floating objects early | Using thermal and optical cameras to catch also objects escaping conventional ­systems such as Radar or AIS: Unsignalled crafts or other floating obstacles, e.g., containers, tree trunks, buoys, inflatables, kayaks, persons over board | System computes input from lowlight and thermal cameras, using Machine Vision technology, deep learning capabilities and proprietary database of millions of annotated marine objects | High-resolution lowlight and thermal cameras | Real-time learning of water surface patterns | Searching for anomalies | Distinguishing water from non-water | Comparing anomalies with neural network | Recognize objects by matching combination of filters | Augmented reality video stream combined with map view | Intelligent alarming based on threat level | Detecting persons in water | On-board cameras with integrated image processing | Providing digital understanding of vessel surroundings on water | SEA.AI App on smartphone or tablet

#SailDrone | Ocean Data Solutions with Autonomous Surface Vehicles

#Avikus | Developing autonomous navigation solutions for vessels | HiNAS for large merchant ships | Displaying detected ships and navigation information in AR images | Sensor fusion technology | NeuBoat for boats | NAS, Navigation Assistant System | BAS, Berthing Assistant System | DAS, Docking Assistant System

#Open Ocean Robotics | Solar powered autonomous boats | Real time information to protect oceans | Sensors, cameras and communication devices capturing information | Solar powered boats can travel nonstop for months, without producing any greenhouse gas emissions, noise pollution or risk of oil spills | ASVs (Autonomous Surface Vehicle) can monitor for oil spills, detect intentional dumping

#WINDWARD AI |Decision Support Platform to Accelerate Global Trade | AI-DrivenVessel Profile | AI-powered solution for accurate, real-time visibility, including vessel tracking and container tracking

#Seaber | AI assisted planning of fleet schedule | Algorithm assisted optimization of schedule and fleet TCE as you plan | Controllin bulk cargo orders, fleets and vessel utilisation, port timings and rotations | AI-driven Optimisation Platform for Port Operations

#Orca AI | FleetView for fleet operators and management | SeaPod | Artificial intelligence-based maritime navigation assistant, watchkeeper | Automated object detection and prioritization | All marine object detection | Curbing marine mammal strikes | Reducing whale mortality rates

#Ocean Infinity | Data AUVs collect at Morro Bay help Equinor develop and refine its floating offshore wind farm design and inform site assessment, construction and operations plans

#Seakit International | MaxLimer | Uncrewed surface vessel

#SeaRobotics | Unmanned Marine Systems & Engineering | Autonomous Surface Vehicles | Sensor suites

#Nvidia | GPU computing | AI Development Platforms and SDKs

#Heliogen | Decarbonizing industry with concentrated sunlight

#Pacific Islands Forum | 18 members: Australia, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati, Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Republic of Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu

#Ocean Cleanup | Ridding oceans of plastic

#Maersk | Support vessels Tender and Trader for Ocean Cleanup | Logistics support in Rotterdam

#AP Moller Foundation | Financial support for Ocean Cleanup

#Kia | Global Partnership deal with Ocean Cleanup | Contributions for ocean operations and construction of Interceptor Original river cleaning devices

#Coca-Cola | Ocean Cleanup and Coca-Cola partnering to deploy Interceptors and expedite river projects

#Deloitte | Consulting to Ocean Cleanup

#Netherlands | Partnership deal with Ocean Cleanup | Both unique character of cleanup systems and relevant provisions of Law of Sea Convention are taken into account by Dutch gov |Netherlands Institute of the Law of the Sea (NILOS)

#Macquarie Group Foundation | Supporting Ocean Cleanup

#Societe General | Funding to Ocean Cleanup

#Blue Atlas Robotics | Sentinus Go! App | Underwater inspection robot

#Syracuse University | Model calculatung the amount of free hydrogen gas produced and stored beneath the seafloor | Tectonic spreading rate | Thickness of serpentinized rocks | Serpentinized rocks: greenish-brown-patterned surface resemblung snakeskin -- have been chemically altered by water as lifted up by the spreading tectonic plates in Earth crust | Molecules of free hydrogen gas produced as by-product of serpentinization process | Stacey L. Worman, Lincoln F. Pratson, Jeffrey A. Karson, Emily M. Klein. Global rate and distribution of H2gas produced by serpentinization within oceanic lithosphere